Friday, December 17, 2010
24 and Workout
Lately, I've been extremely addicted to watching the reruns of the TV show, 24, on the internet. I originally wanted to just watch the episodes I missed during the last season. However, I soon made an unwise decision to watch the first season too. And that led to watching the second season, and third. I watched between five and six episodes every night and that was because the website only allowed 72 minutes of viewing time before I had to wait 54 minutes to watch another session. I won't reveal the website address, although it can be searched on Google. Jack Bauer is amazing, able to fight so good and to use innovative methods to torture suspects. I would be a lot better off if I had a quarter of his skills.
I also bought a book last week called "The New Rules of Lifting", which taught me all I needed to know about weight training. I realized that I had wasted my previous 5 years by "doing the machines". After I finished my first real workout on Wednesday, I realized how painful muscle building really is. But there's no turning back now. The world can look forward to another Rocky very soon.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Seaside Toilet Between Wakayama and Osaka
I'm not sure about the women's side, but if you enter the male toilet, as you're urinating on the wall, you'll be looking at a 180 degree view of a stunning seashore. It is so stunning that I don't even have a photo of it. You really have to be there to experience it. Showing you a photo will only cheapen the experience. So if any of you plan to go to Osaka sometime soon, try not to miss this toilet. Because even though Osaka may not be as good of a tourist spot as Tokyo or Sapporo, this toilet definitely makes up for it.
And if you really arrive there, please take a photo, showing both the toilet interior and seaside view, to show to me later. To be honest, I actually forgot to take the photo ^O^ Thanks.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dragonair Cadet Pilot Programme

Monday, November 22, 2010
Power of Listening
One more thing. Due to immense pressure from the Toastmasters International community, I will soon have to take down my bilateral blog, which publishes my Toastmasters speeches. They said that overall attendance to the bi-weekly meetings will drop tenfold if outsiders can easily see my speeches online instead of coming to the meetings. So, sorry guys, just know that it wasn't my idea.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
New Brother Blog
Friday, November 19, 2010
Skullcandy TiTAN

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Working at Disneyland

This time around, I had no problems with the 100 jumping jacks and dancing routine as I avoided looking at the casting director, Russ. During the 3rd part of the audition, we had to do a mime routine. They gave us a sample story to perform without words. I remembered the advice from the online forums that in order to succeed, you need to do super exaggerated moves. I did that, and the next day, I got a call from Disney, not regarding character performer, but for Halloween Performer. I took the 2-month temporary job anyways, since I was really excited to work at Disney.
Even though I worked at Disneyland for just a little more than 6 days, I had a lot of happy memories there. It was very different from my previous employers as the environment was very relaxed and friendly. Sometimes, it didn't even feel like work at all. Sometimes, it felt like I was on vacation to Tokyo or something. Best of all, I was paid to explore Disneyland. No more $350 per visit. From that perspective, I may have saved $2100 and instead made $2640 more.
The first 2 days consisted of studying at the Disney University. All 130 of us Halloween Performers had to learn about Disney traditions, history, and how to dress up according to Disney Look attire. We often got split up into different teams every couple of hours. So to adapt well, it was essential to talk well with strangers unless you came along with a group of 11 friends.
We started rehearsing on Day 3 and that was when we were introduced to our 5 supervisors: CK, Jacky, Rene, Angie, and Irene. Rene is actually a guy who's the stage manager for our Haunted Hotel. The Haunted Hotel is 1 of the 4 designated Halloween places at Hong Kong Disneyland. As Rene was talking about the Haunted Hotel, a latecomer entered the room. She wore an orange t-shirt and her hairstyle was shaped like a ball. Her name was Miracle and she was beautiful.
The following days consisted of regular rehearsals, memorizing lines for 3 different roles in the Haunted Hotel, learning how to use the lockers, getting sized for costumes, and practicing with halloween makeup. All the while, I had friendly conversations with a lot of people, went to work together with Ellis, who lived nearby my place, back from work with someone called Eric, and talked a bit with this Miracle girl. She's a Year 1 hotel management university dropout and she really really likes to talk a lot. Basically, a near opposite of me. I still have the Chip 'n Dale card that she gave me.
Even though these 6 days were short, they were indeed sweet. And this is a good transition for me to go back into my real job and to have more meaningful communication with people in general. I will always remember these 6 days, especially with the addition of Miracle.
First Date
Fortunately, she did arrive and somehow, I wasn't as nervous as before. But I was still nervous, nonetheless, as I drank 4 large glasses of water, could barely eat, and had absolutely no idea of what to say. Even the couples sitting nearby constantly stared at us. She seemed quite comfortable though, often initiating conversation. I got more comfortable towards the end, however, and managed to reveal my humorous side. But that didn't stop me from leaving my favorite umbrella behind.
I think I could have done better. I'm not sure what she's thinking though. She probably just thinks of me as a normal friend because she rejected me for a second date.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sad City
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Drop-Dead Gorgeous Dance Instructor
Friday, July 9, 2010
Date Proposal?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Paper Airplanes

I'll try to fold an F-15 fighter jet next time.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
War Against Mars (Operation W.A.M.)

"All right, soldiers! You all know why you're here. We're at war with the aliens from Mars. I am General T2O of the United States Marine Corps. We've been sent here under the direct command of President Obama, ordered to rescue the Hong Kong people from the aliens. Here's the situation. 4 hours ago at 1530, the planet Mars collided with the Earth's surface. The 2 planets are now interconnected at Tai Mo Shan, 9 miles north of where I'm standing. The aliens have jumped off their planet and parachuted into Sha Tin and Tsuen Wan, killing everything in their path. So far, 9000 people have been killed. 1 hour later, the Marine Corps sent out 2800 soldiers to fight these aliens. Their weapons included 12 SA-2 Samson VTOL rotorcraft, 24 M777 towed howitzers, 48 M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks, and 192 fifty-cal machine guns. However, all the weapons are gone and all the 2800 soldiers are dead. That's how powerful our enemy is. This is a picture of the aliens we're dealing with. (Hold up picture of StarCraft lurker.) Outside this building, these aliens are waiting to kill you and to eat your brains for ice-cream dessert. As the head of security, it is my job to keep you alive. If you wish to live, you must obey my rules. W.A.M. rules. Rule number 1; you must have a leader. (Walk up to an audience member.) Stand up soldier! Congratulations, you've just been promoted to Captain. Now it is your job to lead the soldiers out into the battlefield. Sit down. (Audience member sits down.) Rule number 2; everyone needs to fight. Even women, children, or anyone who can hold up a gun is going to fight. Everyone in this room, everyone of you, are fighting for survival. That's a fact. We will fight terror with terror. We will show the aliens that they cannot and shall not take whatever they want. And the way we'll show them is by killing them. Now everyone repeat after me. We will kill the aliens! We will show them who is the boss! Oorah!"
I followed Quaritch's commanding voice and pulled through with the 5:30 minute presentation. Even I couldn't believe I did it. At first I was quite nervous, but after speaking loudly for the first couple of seconds, I was okay. I should be able to enjoy going to Toastmasters from now on, especially when I'll be doing a military speech.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Flight Attendant Interview
The first round consisted of a short video and arm reach test. You had to be able to reach 208 cm with one arm without shoes. Standing on tip toes was allowed. Only one person was disqualified in my time slot. The second round consisted of 3 parts. The first part was a 1-minute introduction of the person beside you. The second part was a small group discussion and presentation of for some stupid 5-star hotel. The third part was a large group discussion about the same lame topic.
I was knocked-out after the third part of the second round, as was 90-95% of the others. But it was all right, I talked with 4 women during the interview, 3 women while waiting for the bus, and 1 woman on the bus ride. A total of 8 pretty flight attendant wannabes and I initiated conversation with 5 them. What a record. Now if I keep that up with 2 of the women down at my clubhouse, that'll be sweet.
Monday, April 5, 2010
In My Mind
Friday, March 26, 2010
Taking The Plunge

Sunday, March 21, 2010
I Wanna Ride Like A Silver Dove

Monday, March 15, 2010
Never Doubt Your Ability
P.S. "Never doubt your ability," is a line from a love movie I watched yesterday.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Won't Go On Vicariously Again

I watched quite a bit of DVDs this week: Zombieland, The Ugly Truth, and some other Japanese television show called Operation Love. Let me talk about Zombieland first. It's a fun movie, but let me focus on the most important thing here. Emma Stone, the lead actress, was absolutely the sexiest woman I've ever seen! Her personality, reflected in her body language, was mesmerizing. Her green eyes, the twitch in her hips, and the way she bends her neck enabled her to score a perfect 10 on the sex-o-meter! It would be nice if there were women like that in Hong Kong. Sadly, there aren't, and I'll have to deal with it.
Now let me talk a bit about the first date scene in The Ugly Truth. When the man asked the waiter for some bottled water, the woman immediately insisted that he get tap water instead because it's filtered and just as clean and that he could save seven dollars. The man, obviously annoyed, insisted with the bottled water and ordered an extra Scotch on the rocks. He got so annoyed, he needed some whiskey to cool off. The woman then took out a printed copy of his online profile and said she thought he liked to drink red wine. Then she said, "Kudos to your insurance plan. Nope, it's not on your profile, but it's on your background check." The man had nothing to say, he wanted to leave on the spot but, being a gentlemen, waited a bit longer until the food arrived. He then grabbed the same waiter, handed him his credit card, and told him that if he could have his bill and car ready in 30 seconds, that he'll give him a 40 percent tip. In the next scene, the man jumped into his convertible, but the woman was right behind him. As if she hadn't been crazy enough, she accidentally spilled the ravioli over his lap. But the guy was actually the one with the last laugh as he caught her dress in his door and ripped her dress apart as he drove away. This movie shows us exactly what to avoid on a first date.
Operation Love revolves around a guy who's attending his former lover's wedding. For 14 years, he wanted to ask her out on a date but never had the courage to. But during the wedding, a ghost appeared and allowed the guy to go back in time to rectify certain key events, so that he might turn out to be the one marrying her. So far, he's traveled back seven times, sometimes being able to change things around, sometimes not. The eighth episode will show on Sunday, March 21, 2010.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Is Physical Attraction Important?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Butterflies In The Stomach?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
It's Great Being A Guy
Being a man is great. Not only do you get a stick instead of a hole, but you can also actively control your destiny.
P.S. I think I know the reason why not many people are commenting on this blog. Because guys aren't comfortable letting other people know that they're looking into this topic. Well, if that's you, I just wanted to mention that you can post a comment anonymously. The reason why I want you guys to comment is because I don't have a counter on this page and I'm not sure if I have that many readers. If there aren't enough, I'll try to improve the quality of my content.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Day Before Yesterday
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Chinese New Tiger Year
This year, I went to "buy lean" for red pocket money as usual. There's a bit more money because one of my elder cousins got married. It made me remember once again that I'm single and never even went out on a date. But then I quickly remembered that getting a girlfriend is not for showing off, but to share feelings with. I'm confident that I can get a girlfriend soon, the question is if it'll happen this Tiger year.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Mistakes And Failure Are Good
I've been talking with the online girl up til now. Yesterday, I tried asking her for a second photo and she sort of freaked out, calling me a creep and other names. I was shocked, not to mention hurt, from the accusation. Finally I realized that she was afraid I'll use her photos to setup a fake account in those adult porn personals. Guess she still doesn't trust me that much. So I told her to be honest with me in the future about her concerns, because unlike women, I'm not a mind-reader. Then we continued talking about karaoke and stuff and she said she'll be looking forward to hear me sing. Man, after not singing for almost two years, I'll have to catch up quick!
This girl, I think I'm starting to care a little about her, even though she's so serious and not too funny. Last time, she told me that she was a Taurus. Although I'm not really into this kinda weird horoscope stuff, I tried looking for a horoscope book, only to be disappointed by the low stock volume of the small bookstore. Then I went home and searched for it on Wikipedia. What I'm trying to say is that she causes me to do things that I won't normally do. She makes me want to be a better person. And I guess that's a major part of what girlfriends are for. Girlfriends aren't used for showing off to people like trophies and pendants. They're there for us to share feelings with. They may leave us someday for some legitimate reason and if that happens to me, I'll be heartbroken. But that's actually a good thing.
And that's because mistakes and failures are good. They're not bad. Who said they're bad? You guessed it, our mind said it's bad. Well, think again. Imagine someone who never makes a single mistake. Yeah, there's no doubt he feels happy. But the fact that he doesn't make mistakes means he can never learn from them. And how can you improve when you never learn? He'll stay at the same level all along, while other people (who make mistakes) will learn and improve to surpass his level. So whoever said that mistakes are bad can shove it up his urinatory tract.
Oh yes, I continued talking with female strangers as always. The last one was just this afternoon, where I started talking from the elevator all the way until we parted outside the MTR station. We attended the same seminar and from her previous words with the instructor, I made a false judgement that she's too professional and picky. But as I started talking with her in the elevator, I found that she was actually pretty friendly. So for those who're planning to talk with female strangers, talk to all of them, except for smokers (5%) and really really super ugly ones (<1%). P.S. Due to a situation at home, I'll need to make more money. My preferred way is to work harder on my novel, writing 5000 words a week. I seriously hope I can achieve this. It beats having to grow old with my current job.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Back On Good Terms
Realizing this, I apologized to her the following day. I admitted on being a jerk, just like now. Even though she said she wasn't mad, I knew she was and probably cried over it (or not). It's a good thing, apologizing, because it made her feel better, and somehow I feel better too. Even though this may not work out, at least I got a new friend.
Yesterday, I watched the DVD of Bruce Willis's Surrogates. That movie was pretty disturbing, talking about the future world where almost everyone operates a mechanical version of themselves (surrogates) to interact with other surrogates. And because of this technology, everyone made their appearances perfect (ex. Tom Cruise faces, DD-cup breasts, 10-inch penises). Yes, they could "feel" through their machines too. Sick, isn't it?
It made me think about how much people tend to their appearances, when it's really the mind and spirit that counts. Actually, even now, we're imitating surrogates by wearing clothes and styling our hair. For women, they put on makeup too, some noticeably wearing masks. What's up with this world? We should throw all our clothes away, which may or may not lead to more "street-style" sex lives.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Back Out
Saturday, January 23, 2010
It's Been A While...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Talking Is All Around
This is an example from yesterday: I was walking as usual and three women, with baggages, were lost. I smiled a little at them and then the most attractive one asked me for directions. If I hadn't smiled or actively asked them if they were lost, I probably wouldn't get the chance to talk with them.
So far, it's still difficult for me to grab the opportunity to talk with women. However, when I see men in sticky situations (e.g. still sleeping on the last subway station of the train ride), I will talk to them briefly (e.g. wake them up before the train traps them and goes into repair). I believe all this active talking with strangers (including men) will lead to somewhere. At least next time when I see an attractive woman, I'll have a higher probability of approaching her.
As for the progress of my novel, I currently wrote 31120 words for my first draft. I'm not done yet. The final draft will have to be between 80000 and 100000 words if it is to be published.
P.S. Some women or people are quite difficult to talk with. I'm not saying that they're rude, quite the opposite. They're very friendly, but it seems like the conversations are forced and don't link up like a chain. However, I can tell there are some who use subtle tactics to make you feel at ease and to make lots of conversational topics pop up in your mind. I'm still trying to acquire that skill from Neil Strauss (the world's #1 PUA).
Monday, January 18, 2010
1. Participate in a wargame.
2. Make a funny pose in a photo-shoot.
3. Ride a real rollercoaster.
4. Watch the sunrise with someone I love and have sex afterwards.
5. Have sex in the park, in the public washroom, on the hood of a stranger's car, on the rooftop under the stars, on the ferris wheel, and on the plane.
6. Ride on a steam train.
7. Ride on an elephant.
8. Ride on a helicopter in Grand Canyon.
9. Watch the launch of a space shuttle.
10. Go to the Olympics or other large sports event.
11. Ride on a hot-air balloon.
12. Go skydiving.
13. Go to Antarctica.
And the last goal will make me really proud even if I don't manage to do all the above 13.
14. Go into outer space and experience weightlessness!
So far, I haven't really taken much risks. Here are the ones that I remember:
A. Got hit by a minivan and landed six yards away from the point of impact.
B. Had an argument with a muscular guy at the gym and almost got beaten up.
C. Took a dump in the female washroom, got caught by a woman and her two daughters, and casually washed my hands next to them as if nothing's wrong.
E. Talked with 2 female strangers a week (what this blog is all about).
Sometimes I worry about what will happen after I leave this world and whether people will remember me. I don't want to have any regrets, so that's why I'll try to live my life to the fullest.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Talked With 2 Men and 2 Women
I also made another discovery when talking with strangers. The best approach is when you have a reason to talk with them in the first place. Walking up to them and talking suddenly is more challenging and probably should be reserved for my higher-level future self. For now, the best approach is to stand/sit near some place where people don't know what they're doing. For example, in a library, I might sit next to the copier. If a woman doesn't know how to use it, I'll kindly ask if she needs some help. Another example is in the gym room. If a woman is clueless about a certain machine, I'll show her how to use it. I won't care if I'm currently doing the 9th repetition of the 3rd set of one-arm rows. Exercise can wait, women can't.
It's also possible to use the elevator trick. This works best when two women are discussing about some intriguing topic. It should be easier to express your views with them in this confined environment because the fact that the three of you are in the same elevator "proves" that you're somewhat related. A couple of days ago, two women were talking about how they hated eating sushi. I could've said that if they really had to eat sushi, then they should focus on salmon because the texture is more like meat. Anything else (like raw scallop) will just send you to the toilet. This does not, by all means, imply that you should keep riding the elevator or subway hours on end.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
M1A2 Main Battle Tank
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ikkitousen: Great Guardians

I just finished watching an anime series called Ikki Tousen: Great Guardians. It featured a cast of busty babes. Anyways, the most important message I got from one of the characters (Ryofu Housen) was this: "As long as I'm alive, even if there's only a 1 percent chance, I will fight to change my destiny with my own hands!" Hearing this, made me realize something. It made me realize I've been seeing the world in the wrong way all this time.
I've always thought that women want to trick or make fun of men for hitting on them, when actually the opposite is true. They just want to be loved much like men do. They "trick" us to see if we'll fight for them, even if there's only a 1 percent chance. I always thought that men and women are on different sides of the battlefield during dating when actually we're on the same side, just playing different roles. Maybe men are the soldiers and women are the medics, whatever, you know what I mean.
We got so influenced by society that we forgot what our purpose on earth is: To connect our mind and soul, through our bodies and the environment, with other people. Society has put all this money, power, and fame to mess with our thoughts. But I will try my best not to be confused by it from now on. I've been too heavily influenced by the average number of cars per household, the average age of marriage, and even the average penis size.
Now, I'm going to live from my heart. My purpose with women is not to sleep with dozens of women, nor to date a lot of attractive women to build up my resume, nor to have all the dating skills of a master pickup artist. It is simply to really get to know women and to find one who can share her mind with mine. Good sex is just a bonus. So I'll try my best now. If I get hurt in the process, I'll just tell myself that it's part of building up my future self. By the way, I seriously hope the Toastmasters have some busty babes.
P.S. The 2 female strangers a week still applies. I figured that almost everyone is figuring out what life is for. And I'm sure that those who've figured it out already know that life is for happiness. If I can make a stranger feel happy, even if just for a couple of minutes, then it's worth talking with them.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Second Attempt
I'm not sure, but I think many women perceive me as visually intimidating. That may be one reason why some single women, who normally approach men, won't approach me. As of the moment, I can only recall less than 10 times when women have approached me. When I'm sitting alone on the subway, almost no women would sit next to me. What's with that? The whole train is flooded, but the seat next to mine is empty one-quarter of the time. Even men hesitate before they sit down. Hello! I'm just a normal person like anybody else.
I think I want to know this woman a bit more. She seems quite confident and I like that in women. People may initially assume insecure women to be nice, but actually their real personality (hidden underneath all the insecurities) may not match the original assumption.
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Attempt
New Year's Wish
Women who're on duty (e.g. waitresses and salespeople) don't count. It's okay if the stranger stares and snorts at me. What's important is that I opened my mouth first. To keep track of the women, I will record down their eye, hair, and teeth colors. So far, I've talked with none, so I still have some way to go.
My second wish is to write 3 pages (750 words) of my thriller novel every weekday during my rides on the subway. That'll be 15 pages a week; not an easy (but still manageable) task.