Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Wish

This year, I made a slightly different new year's wish. Instead of hoping to get a girlfriend, I hope to talk to 2 female strangers a week. That'll be 104 female strangers during this year 2010.

Women who're on duty (e.g. waitresses and salespeople) don't count. It's okay if the stranger stares and snorts at me. What's important is that I opened my mouth first. To keep track of the women, I will record down their eye, hair, and teeth colors. So far, I've talked with none, so I still have some way to go.

My second wish is to write 3 pages (750 words) of my thriller novel every weekday during my rides on the subway. That'll be 15 pages a week; not an easy (but still manageable) task.

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