Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Great Being A Guy

I finally realized the super advantage of being a guy. It's that I can actively choose which girls to approach and how to approach. For a woman, all she can do is wait and hope that someone will fall for her. She's at a super disadvantage if her looks are below par. But even during the dating process, a man can call it off anytime, while the woman can only sit there, watching as the man leaves, not being able to initiate a phone call. That's not a good feeling, I think. Only if they're willing to bend the dating guidelines will they have a chance.

Being a man is great. Not only do you get a stick instead of a hole, but you can also actively control your destiny.

P.S. I think I know the reason why not many people are commenting on this blog. Because guys aren't comfortable letting other people know that they're looking into this topic. Well, if that's you, I just wanted to mention that you can post a comment anonymously. The reason why I want you guys to comment is because I don't have a counter on this page and I'm not sure if I have that many readers. If there aren't enough, I'll try to improve the quality of my content.

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