Friday, December 17, 2010

24 and Workout

Lately, I've been extremely addicted to watching the reruns of the TV show, 24, on the internet. I originally wanted to just watch the episodes I missed during the last season. However, I soon made an unwise decision to watch the first season too. And that led to watching the second season, and third. I watched between five and six episodes every night and that was because the website only allowed 72 minutes of viewing time before I had to wait 54 minutes to watch another session. I won't reveal the website address, although it can be searched on Google. Jack Bauer is amazing, able to fight so good and to use innovative methods to torture suspects. I would be a lot better off if I had a quarter of his skills.

I also bought a book last week called "The New Rules of Lifting", which taught me all I needed to know about weight training. I realized that I had wasted my previous 5 years by "doing the machines". After I finished my first real workout on Wednesday, I realized how painful muscle building really is. But there's no turning back now. The world can look forward to another Rocky very soon.


  1. I was just thinking the other day that there are so many TV programmes that have somehow managed to pass me by. 24 is one of them. I must make some time next year to catch up. However, blogging has taken over a bit so it may be awhile!

  2. I'm sure you can accomplish that goal ^_^
