Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Flight Attendant Interview

Yesterday, I went to an interview for flight attendants. There were more than 300 interviewees spread into 3 time slots (0915, 1000, and 1045). My god, the last time I've been surrounded with so many beautiful women was back in 2005 at Toronto BR! I was in the 1000 time slot (100+ interviewees), whether there were more groups of women was beyond me.

The first round consisted of a short video and arm reach test. You had to be able to reach 208 cm with one arm without shoes. Standing on tip toes was allowed. Only one person was disqualified in my time slot. The second round consisted of 3 parts. The first part was a 1-minute introduction of the person beside you. The second part was a small group discussion and presentation of for some stupid 5-star hotel. The third part was a large group discussion about the same lame topic.

I was knocked-out after the third part of the second round, as was 90-95% of the others. But it was all right, I talked with 4 women during the interview, 3 women while waiting for the bus, and 1 woman on the bus ride. A total of 8 pretty flight attendant wannabes and I initiated conversation with 5 them. What a record. Now if I keep that up with 2 of the women down at my clubhouse, that'll be sweet.

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